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Frequently asked questions


Please read all FAQ before inquiring an appointment.

if you do not see an answer to your question feel free to ask.



How do I book an appointment ?

Best way to inquiry an appointment is to text me at my number listed. I am usually always busy with a client so please leave your name, number and what you are requesting an appointment for with date and time.


Deposits ?

Every time you book an appointment, a non refundable $40 deposit is required, That will go towards your lash appointment. 


If you have to reschedule your appointment, you must do it at least 48 hours in advance. if at any point you have to cancel your appointment, you will forfeit your deposit. 


There Also may be an inconvenience fee charged for last minute reschedules. 

Fill appointments that are scheduled in person after your lash appointment (the recommended time)

Your deposit will be due a week prior to your appointment. I send text reminders for confirmation of your appointment and that is when your deposit will be required. If you do not place your deposit within 24 hrs after your notification, your appointment will be automatically canceled. 


All deposits are taken either in person with cash or by Apple Pay

Scheduling a fill appointment ?

i always recommend to schedule your appointments ahead of time, preferably right after your appointment for a fill. that way you are sure to have your spot saved. 


It is the clients responsibility to schedule your refill appointments, not the lash artist. If I am booked or busy the extra wait for a fill is not an excuse for fill policies and prices. You must book accordingly, ahead of time.

Canceling appointments?

To cancel an appointment you must contact me at least 48 hours ahead of time. please do not contact the day of or last minute. Unless of emergencies.


canceling last minute or a no call no show will result in lost of deposit, cancellation fee,

and for no call - no shows you will be no longer eligible to rebook again.

What is your fill policy?

Your lashes must have at least 50% of your lashes left for it to be considered a fill. Anything less than that is considered a full set. Your lashes should last you a minimum of 2 weeks depending on the individual. Some people need fills sooner than others. Anything past 3 weeks is considered a full set. Eyelash extensions must be refilled at least once a month to maintain its longevity. 

Can I bring someone to my appointment?

No guest are allowed to be present during your appointment for any reason.


I advise you NOT to bring company for many reasons. one of them being with COVID restrictions. also, your appointment will be a couple hours, we don't want your company to just be waiting around. Another, being you can't talk during your lash application. Less movement from you will give you a better lash application and better retention. We also prefer no distractions. If there is any reason or emergency dealing with this request, you can always contact me ahead of time. Please and Thank you.

How do I make an appointment ?

You can email, text, or call the information in contacts. the best way to get in contact with me due to my busy schedule, is to send me a text message at (408)309-4748 so i can get back to you when i get the chance. 

How long do the lashes last ?

Eyelash extensions are not permanent and are meant to be temporary. This is a luxury service, With that being said everyone’s lashes last at different rates based off of your own person lash growth and aftercare. Your lashes should last you a minimum of 2 weeks depending on proper after care by the client. If your lashes are only lasting you a week you need to re-evaluate your after care. The better you care for your lashes the longer and healthier your lashes last. I always advise you to get refills every 2-3 weeks to maintain your eyelash extensions longevity.  

Brow lamination and

Lash lifts and tints 

Brow laminations last 4-8 weeks with proper aftercare. To read on after care go to the aftercare tab.

Lash lifts and tint last 6-8 weeks, aftercare will be the same as brow lamis. Aftercare products are highly recommended for health and longevity. ask me about our products at your appointment!

Do you except card ?

No, Sorry at this moment i only except cash. Please be prepared and have cash on hand. Or Apple Pay.

What do I need to prepare for my appointment ?

Depending on your booked service, come prepared knowing you will be at your

lash appointment full for 2-4 hours.

lash appointment fill for 1-2 hours.

Brow appointment for 1-2 hours.

Ombre brow appointments for 3-4 hours.

Always be on time, tardiness will only cut into your time.

Have correct payment ready at your appointment.

Please come with no makeup and a fresh face. Having to remove your makeup before we start will also only cut into your time. Please come with clean lashes. i recommend showering before your appointment.

Please for hair no high buns, low buns, high pony tails. make sure your hair is easy to pull to one side.

No cellphones, phones must be put on silence as it is a distraction. eyes are to be kept closed during your appointment. so no texting or asking me to read to answer phones.

late fee policy ?

BEING LATE IS A BIG NO NO. When you are late you are shortening your appointment time, which will result in not the best service causing possible bad retention. Being late will mess up my schedule because there are times, I will have back to back appointments. your appointment will cut into the next persons time slot, causing a ripple effect.

you are not only paying for your service but my time. time is money.

I have a late policy in place, you get a 15 minute grace period. 15 minutes late will result in a $15 late fee. Anything after 15 minutes is an automatic cancellation of your appointment. You will then be asked to reschedule, if you choose not to that is fine as well but you will also forfeit your deposit fee. 


Bad retention ?

Eyelash extensions are not permanent and are meant to be temporary. This is a luxury service, With that being said it is 20% the lash artist responsibility to make sure your lashes extensions are properly applied and 80% aftercare. 

If you are having bad retention you must analyze and reevaluate your aftercare. go through our aftercare list listed on the top of the page. make sure you are following all advised dos and don'ts. and make sure you are following the proper after care. your lash retention and lash heath is based all off of your after care. 

Why are my lashes falling out ?

fills are recommended every 2-3 weeks. within that time frame your lashes will shed a few everyday, called the natural lash health cycle. during these days you will lose some extensions everyday which is why a fill is to be done every 2-3 weeks. everyone has a different lash cycle and lash rate at how fast your lashes will grow. this is why there is a 2-3 week fill. losing a couple lashes everyday is completely normal and no cause of alarm. if you have any questions please reach out to me, I am always happy to help you with any questions or concerns. 


what are add ons ?

You can add an add on to any set you get. you choose through the main base sets Classic, Light vol, Volume, Mega vol. and then you can add on extra styles through add ons to personalize your set. 

How much are removals?

Removals are $50 for a removal only. and if your are doing a removal and full set removals are $25

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